The Committee on Mentoring Program met for the first time in a virtual environment (Jitsi Meet) on the 15th June 2021. The meetings was held in preparation for the Mentoring Program. Before the commencement of the meetings, notice was sent on the Whatapp platform of the committee by Mrs. Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach, the initiator of the Program.

Four of the committee members attended the first meeting on June 15, 2021: Omoniyi Ogood-Bach, Dr Samuel Olaleye, Eng. Daniel Eromosele and Omoniyi Owoeye. The Chair of the Mentoring Committee, Dr Samuel Olaleye called the meeting to order at 9.15 pm German time and 8.15 pm Nigerian time on June 15, 2021 and Mrs Omoniyi Ogodo-Bach acted as secretary of the meeting. With four members of the Committee in attendance, a quorum of the members was present and the meeting duly convened began. The committee discussed about the challenges the youths are facing in the Nigerian society. The framework for the Mentoring Program, which are: Creating a database for the program. Choosing of target group, that is, young people between 17 to 30 years old. Writing and submission of proposals from the Mentees. Collecting and sorting of proposals into different groups of interest. Duration of the Program. Sourcing for Mentors with integrity and commitment. Registration form for the Mentees. Agreement/Commitment form for the Mentors. Feedback from the Mentors to the Mentoring Committee. Evaluation of the program. Lastly, the committee discussed on organising a Seminar/Conference which will give a general orientation about the program and where the Mentors and Mentees would meet and be sorted in different groups of interest. The Committee member agreed November 2021 as tentative date for the event.